So, this will be how we can verify that our install has been successful.įirst thing we're going to do is go to the downloads page of the official Python installation. The command is not found, which means Python 3 is not installed.
I can verify that I do not have it installed by typing python3 – version. Right now, I don't have Python 3 installed on this computer. You can do the same thing once you have Python 3 installed. You can see that we have Python 2.7.10 installed on this Mac. In order to check which versions of Python that you have on your computer (if it's a new computer, it's extremely likely that you'll only have Python 2) you can type python –version. So instead of uninstalling it, you can just leave it there and you can run it side by side with Python 3. It's really important that you don't uninstall Python 2 because you won't be sure what apps in the actual Mac operating system rely on the presence of Python 2.
What we'll be doing is we will be installing Python 3, which will be used throughout the course. Now every Mac comes with Python 2.7 installed by default. In the Utilities section, if your folder is not open, you can click it open and you'll see Terminal. Then in the applications, you are going to go to something called Utilities. You can go ahead into your Finder and open a new Finder window and then you're going to go into your applications. You can see that I have my terminal app pinned to my start bar, but I want to show you where to find that if you've never used it before. So, I'm first just going to show you what you can expect to see in the Mac terminal app. Okay, so we're going to go ahead and get started with the Mac Python install. This is Python for Test Automation - Installing Python. Chapter 9 - Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, and Polymorphism